Our Impact
Buddha Zhen has helped the lives of many people of ALL AGES since 1984.
Tai Chi Youth was founded while Buddha Zhen was teaching in prisons, schools and rehab centers. Our initial “Mission Statement of TCY” was to help “troubled youth.”
Richard Del Connor discovered that helping ALL PEOPLE of ALL AGES means that he his helping all the people they LIVE with, WORK with, and ASSOCIATE with. Improving the life of one Tai Chi Youth, Shaolin Chi Mantis or Buddha Kung Fu student actually benefitted and improved the lives of at least 10 people they associate with.

What we do
We plan and support amazing projects that help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people from across different regions of the world.
Albums to Inspire Musicians
American Zen travelled a spiritual journey of Buddhism, Taoism, Lakota Sioux Shamanism, Confucianism and Love.
The Hippy Coyote was a one-man band produced by Richard Del Connor for his record label Shaolin Records while he was a Mr. Mom.
Coyote was a maestro of guitar, flute, bass, drums, songwriting and singing. His goal was for teenagers to learn his songs to learn how to be a musician.
The American Zen albums of the 8 Levels depict spiritual growth and provide a template for future bands to travel by learning and performing these songs.
Books to Make People Smarter
Today’s youth need a helpful hand and right guidance at every stage. Here’s where we take care of them like our own.
Richard Del Connor wrote poetry, novels, philosophy, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shaolin Kung Fu, and Taoist Tai Chi Chuan.
Anyone who reads these books becomes smarter. Youth always raise their school grades at least one grade level.
4 Noble Truths of Buddhism Explained is an 8-book series started after publishing 5 Souls of God that redesigns psychology into a revolutionary new science.
NFTs to Spiritually Enlighten
We run small-scale schools for the underprivileged children and youth of daily wage workers for a better future.
Richard Del Connor created the Kung Fu Cowboy 36-LEVEL Spiritual Rock Opera Metaverse that details his life story with 36 levels of his own spiritual development through Catholicism, Atheism, LSD, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and became a Lakota Sioux Pipe Carrier who had his Vision Quest on the Rosebud Reservation.
The Discord Channel of the Kung Fu Cowboy is also part of this 36 Spiritual Rock Opera Metaverse for students to share wisdom.
Videos of Tai Chi & Kung Fu
We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.
Richard became Zhen Shen-Lang “Spirit Wolf of Truth” in 1994 after Founding Shaolin Chi Mantis Traditional Buddhist Kung Fu and Taoist Tai Chi Chuan. As founder of Tai Chi Youth in 1996 Buddha Zhen developed the ultimate Shaolin Kung Fu and Tai Chi program for rehabilitating and improving the mind/body/spirit of students from age 5 to 74.
In 2018 Buddha Zhen began making videos to teach these videos to people populating other planets in the future.
Future is TCY Online Kwoon
Although Richard Del Connor, Buddha Zhen Shen-Lang “Spirit Wolf of Truth” has taught the Shaolin Kung Fu, Buddha Kung Fu and Tai Chi Youth programs in over 32 locations, in 2021 Richard went through his third surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment for colon cancer after being homeless for six years.
Now, at age 68 in 2022 Buddha Zhen is going to begin making the 4-classes per week x 9-belt rank levels of Tai Chi Youth in 6-month semesters for a total of 864 videos.
Please DONATE to TAI CHI YOUTH to support this last chance for Richard Del Connor “Buddha Zhen” to share with the future the “Best Fitness Program in the World.”

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